Current Notice
Between December 23 and December 30, 2024, we will be available by phone on weekdays until 4:30 PM. Please note that our customer service will be closed on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve.We wish you a joyful and peaceful holiday season, a successful start to the new year, and we look forward to assisting you again in 2025!Your Team
Continental ContiRoad M/C 100/80 -17 52S
Continental ContiRoad 100/80 -17 52S TL M/C
Technical specifications
Completely new second line Sport Touring tyre developed in Germany
Engineered in Germany: Highest Continental quality standards – newly developed tyre by the test-winning engineers from Korbach
Handling: Newly developed tyre for comfortable touring and agile fun on country roads
Test-winning genes: state-of-the-art tread compound, based on the award-winning ContiRoadAttack 3 technology
Mileage: High mileage due to non-tangent tread grooves on the centre tread strip of the rear wheel
Wet performance: latest silica technology ensures high micro-interlocking with the asphalt
Grip: Tread design with extra large tread positive portion for high mechanical grip level
Product spider
Product Safety Information
Continental Reifen Deutschland GmbH
PO BOX 169
30001 Hannover
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