Current Notice
Between December 23 and December 30, 2024, we will be available by phone on weekdays until 4:30 PM. Please note that our customer service will be closed on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve.We wish you a joyful and peaceful holiday season, a successful start to the new year, and we look forward to assisting you again in 2025!Your Team
Continental ContiMotion Z M/C 120/70 ZR17 (58W)
Newly developed economic sports touring tyre for everyday use, featuring an excellent price/performance ratio.
- Completely new concept - with a newly developed product - in the economic radial tyres segment
- Safe handling and reliable feedback on dry and wet roads
- New polymers in the compound and power-oriented tread pattern ensure good mileage
- 0° steel belt construction on rear tyre for improved stability and increased comfort
Product Safety Information
Continental Reifen Deutschland GmbH
PO BOX 169
30001 Hannover
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