Current Notice
Between December 23 and December 30, 2024, we will be available by phone on weekdays until 4:30 PM. Please note that our customer service will be closed on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve.We wish you a joyful and peaceful holiday season, a successful start to the new year, and we look forward to assisting you again in 2025!Your Team
Maxxis Maxxcross ITM-7305 Rear 2,75 -10 38J
Maxxis Maxxcross ITM-7305 Rear 2,75 -10 38J TT
Technical specifications
The Maxxcross IT has specially developed profile blocks that offer excellent handling in a variety of different ground conditions. With its special tyre compound, it ensures excellent stability and grip, especially on hard surfaces. This tire was successfully tested in the U. S. Motocross championships.
Product Safety Information
Authorized Representative
Maxxis Tech Center Europe B.V.
Neutronenlaan 7
5405NG Uden