Current Notice
Between December 23 and December 30 2024, we will be available by phone on 23/12, 27/12 and 30/12 until 4:30 pm.We wish you a joyful and peaceful holiday season, a successful start to the new year, and we look forward to assisting you again in 2025!Your Team
Did you know? The choice is yours!
Metzeler Sportec M3 Front M/C 120/70 ZR17 (58W)
The Sportec M3 sets benchmarks. The Sportec M3 redefines performance limits when it comes to grip, both on public roads and the racetrack, and in all lean positions. Thanks to its zero-degree steel belt technology and the new multi-radius contour, the Sportec M3 boasts extremely precise, pinpoint handling in all driving situations. With its effective tread design and different rubber compounds on the front and rear tyres, the Sportec M3 offers first-rate wet grip. The Sportec M3 retains its good handling characteristics and high level of grip throughout its entire service life. The Sportec M3 has a noticeably longer service life than its predecessors.
Product Safety Information
Pirelli Tyre SPA
Viale Piero e Alberto Pirelli 25
20126 Milano
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