Current Notice
Between December 23 and December 30 2024, we will be available by phone on 23/12, 27/12 and 30/12 until 4:30 pm.We wish you a joyful and peaceful holiday season, a successful start to the new year, and we look forward to assisting you again in 2025!Your Team
Did you know? The choice is yours!
Metzeler Racetec SM Front K1 125/75 R17
The ideal tyre for national and international Supermoto championships, for pros and amateurs.
- two compounds for optimal use on different track surfaces: advanced "drifting" and excellent acceleration
- specially developed tyre contour, which allows outstanding cornering speeds, grip control and rapid changes of direction, as well as even, progressive sliding and effective braking.
Product Safety Information
Pirelli Tyre SPA
Viale Piero e Alberto Pirelli 25
20126 Milano
Manufacturer information
Important information
NHS (Not for Highway Service) = This tyre is not permitted on public roads.
Customer reviews (2)
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