Current Notice
Between December 23 and December 30 2024, we will be available by phone on 23/12, 27/12 and 30/12 until 4:30 pm.We wish you a joyful and peaceful holiday season, a successful start to the new year, and we look forward to assisting you again in 2025!Your Team
Did you know? The choice is yours!
Dunlop Sportmax Qualifier II F Front M/C 130/70 ZR16 (61W)
The high-performance Sportmax Qualifier II is perfectly tailored to meet the real requirements of motorcyclists. New Qualifier II Supersport tyre offers non-stop road feedback and razor-sharp handling, as well as improved wet-weather grip. The ideal tyre choice for Supersport motorcyclists looking for ultimate performance. The Qualifier II offers reliable handling characteristics and non-stop road feedback.
Product Safety Information
Goodyear Germany GmbH
Dunlopstr. 2
63450 Hanau
Manufacturer information
Customer reviews (5)
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