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Garage: Tyre service & tyre change

Senner Tuning AG: Your premium partner tyre garage in Ingelheim

Opening hours
08:00 - 12:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Currently closed -
08:00 - 12:00 and 14:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 12:00 and 14:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 12:00 and 14:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 12:00 and 14:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 12:00 and 14:00 - 16:00
Senner Tuning AG
Heinrich-Wieland-Str. 11
55218 Ingelheim
06132 712808
  • Fitting of tyre pressure monitoring sensors (TPMS)
  • Wheel storage
  • Wheel alignment
  • Car rims up to 24"
  • Master business
  • Motorcycle wheels up to 25"
  • Vehicle service
Senner Tuning AG
Senner Tuning AG
The search is carried out using SmartMaps. You can find more information in our Privacy Policy.

Prices for services

Tyre fitting
All fitting prices are per wheel, including balancing, valve and wheel removal and refitting.
For fitting with tyre pressure monitoring sensors (sensor installation, programming, learning, testing functionality), additional costs are incurred.
Fitting partners are reponsible for maintenance and correctness of content, including prices for fitting services.

Tyre onto steel rim
Passenger car steel rim up to 13"
29,95 EUR
Passenger car steel rim 14"
29,95 EUR
Passenger car steel rim 15"
29,95 EUR
Passenger car steel rim 16"
34,95 EUR
Tyre onto aluminium rim
Passenger car aluminium rim up to 15"
29,95 EUR
Passenger car aluminium rim 16" and 17"
34,95 EUR
Passenger car aluminium rim 18"
34,95 EUR
Off-road tyres
Off-road steel rim
49,95 EUR
Off-road aluminium rim
54,95 EUR
Mobile home and van
Van aluminium rim/steel rim
54,95 EUR
Runflat tyres and tyre pressure monitoring sensors (TPMS)
Additional price per run-flat tyre
5,50 EUR
TPMS sensor programming and installation (per sensor)
10,00 EUR
Additional price TMPS during tyre fitting for: sensor, installation sensor, programming sensor, training sensor, function control
19,95 EUR

Wheel change

All wheel change prices are per wheel.
Please note: Wheel changes with tyre pressure monitoring sensors (learning and testing functionality of sensors) incur additional costs.

Note: Fitting partners are responsible for maintenance and correctness of the content.

Wheel change
Tyre change passenger car
9,95 EUR
Additional price TPMS during tyre change for: training and function control of the sensors
9,95 EUR

All wheel change prices are per wheel.

Tyre change on the dismounted tyre
from 34,95 EUR
Old motorcycle tyre disposal
5,50 EUR

Used tyre disposal (per tyre)
Tyres up to 17 inch
5,50 EUR
Tyres from 18 inch
5,50 EUR
Old motorcycle tyre disposal
5,50 EUR
Axle alignment
from 99,95 EUR
Complete wheel cleaning
from 12,50 EUR
Wheel storage (4 pieces) per season
75,00 EUR
49,95 EUR
39,95 EUR
34,95 EUR
34,95 EUR
29,95 EUR
19,95 EUR
50,00 EUR
24,95 EUR
24,95 EUR
24,95 EUR
169,64 EUR
279,00 EUR
1,50 EUR
125,00 EUR
299,00 EUR
9,95 EUR
2,50 EUR
Tyre pressure monitoring sensors (TPMS)
Additional price TMPS during tyre fitting for: sensor, installation sensor, programming sensor, training sensor, function control
19,95 EUR
Additional price TPMS during tyre change for: training and function control of the sensors
9,95 EUR
TPMS sensor programming and installation (per sensor)
10,00 EUR
Oil change
Incl. oil filter, disposal waste oil, engine oil
from 69,95 EUR

Customer reviews (17)

Ø 4.88 / 5 Stars

of 17 reviews in total

Reviews can only be published by customers who have ordered and received the product.
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star

Customer reviews in detail

Verified purchase
Alexander S., Germany

Verified purchase
Dennis T., Germany
Alles bestens
An error has occurred.

Verified purchase
Bernd S., Germany
Zuverlässig, ordentlich, sogar ein kleines Detail in der Montage ohne Aufpreis dazubekommen - alles gut!
An error has occurred.

Verified purchase
Günter H., Germany
Schneller Termin, schnelle und gute Ausführung der Arbeit, netter Ansprechpartner - alles prima!
An error has occurred.

Verified purchase
Jens S., Germany

Verified purchase
Lea B., Germany

Verified purchase
Ivica B., Germany

Verified purchase
Eric R., Germany
Termin voll eingehalten. Schneller und freundlicher Service, Werde diesen Partner noch öfter besuchen,
An error has occurred.

Verified purchase
Manuel ., Germany
Sehr netter Kontakt und absolut problemlose und vor allem schnelle Abwicklung.
An error has occurred.

Verified purchase
Sven D., Germany
Reibungslos so wie am es sich wünscht. Die Lieferung könnte etwas schneller sein.
An error has occurred.

Payment methods

The garage offers the following options for payment of goods:

The Premium Partner accepts the following payment methods



Senner Tuning AG
Heinrich-Wieland-Strasse 11
55218 Ingelheim
Telefon: 06132712808
Telefax: 06132712809
E-Mail: info@senner-tuning.de
Internet: www.senner-tuning.de
Senner Tuning AG wird vertreten durch: Vorstand: Benno Senner (vertretungsberechtigt)

Registergericht: Amtsgericht Bingen
Handelsregister Registernummer: 43250
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Ingo Peine

Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß § 27a Umsatzsteuergesetz (UStG): DE274090225

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